All Minnesota state parks are free to visit Friday

On Nov. 25, all 75 Minnesota state parks and recreation areas are offering free entry for the last time of 2022. According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website, there are state parks or recreation areas within 30 miles of most Minnesotans.

Vehicle permits are usually required to enter state parks, except on free park day, and if you choose to stay overnight that also applies for all state parks on Friday. 

The DNR suggest to those planning on attending free park day to use ParkFinder | Minnesota DNR ( so you are able to look ahead for specific amenities or other parks in your area in case your first choice gets filled before you get there. 

Although the entrance fee is waived that does not cover amenity or user fees for activities like rentals, camping or special tours.

Collected from Minnesota Public Radio News. View original source here.

Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is a public radio network for the state of Minnesota. With its three services, News & Information, YourClassical MPR and The Current, MPR operates a 46-station regional radio network in the upper Midwest. Last updated from Wikipedia 2024-03-03T22:03:37Z.
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