Fridley schools closed Wednesday due to reported threat to school safety

Classes and activities were canceled Wednesday at Fridley Public Schools after what officials say was a “reported threat to school safety.”

After-school and evening events in Fridley school buildings were also canceled late Tuesday.

In a statement posted online, Fridley school officials did not elaborate on the nature of the threat.

“We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause our families. We also encourage everyone to continue speaking up if they see or hear anything that could represent a potential school safety issue,” district officials said.

Collected from Minnesota Public Radio News. View original source here.

Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is a public radio network for the state of Minnesota. With its three services, News & Information, YourClassical MPR and The Current, MPR operates a 46-station regional radio network in the upper Midwest. Last updated from Wikipedia 2024-12-01T02:42:46Z.
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