Minnesota House Republicans must respect voters’ will and certified results

State Rep. Brad Tabke’s desk, lower left, in the Minnesota House chamber.

The bedrock principle of democracy is that the person with the most votes wins.

That rule applies whether you win by one vote or one million: in either case, the majority decides. But right now, Minnesota House Republicans are working to override voters’ wishes by attempting to pull off a power grab on a scale that our state has never seen before.

This past September, We Choose Us Action, a nonpartisan coalition of Minnesotan unions, grassroots organizations and advocacy groups, launched a Democracy Defense Pledge. Our pledge was meant to get every candidate on the record about respecting our certified election results and the checks and balances defined in the U.S. Constitution. We did this because every Minnesotan deserves to have their voice heard and know which politicians will fight for our basic freedoms regardless of party. 

All but one of the Republicans elected to our state House refused to pledge their support for our certified elections and Constitutional checks and balances. Nevertheless, it is shocking to see an entire caucus undermine the will of the people and, by extension, the sanctity of our democratic processes. 

Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) representatives from all across Minnesota signed our pledge that they accept the basic tenets in which our democracy stands, our free and fair elections. They accept the certified results and will fight for it.

In November, Minnesotans elected an evenly split House of 67 Republicans and 67 DFL  members, leading to Republican and DFL leaders joining to work on a power-sharing agreement, including co-chairing committees. That is what Minnesotans voted for. 

And that is how our democracy should work: duly elected leaders working together, regardless of party affiliation, doing the hard, thankless work to figure out how to get things done on behalf of Minnesotans.  

However, one seat in the Minnesota House has become the focal point of contention. Rep. Brad Tabke was elected by a narrow but decisive margin, winning by 14 votes. An automatic recount and judicial process confirmed his victory with a 15-vote margin. No matter how close the election, certified results mean a win is a win. Yet we see those in the House actively trying to challenge the ruling of the court and push for a special election, disregarding the voters’ will and the court’s decision upholding the results.

Close elections are part of democracy. The integrity of the process – from casting ballots to recounts and certification – ensures legitimacy. Tabke’s election followed these processes, and his constituents deserve representation without undue delay or interference.

More than 30,000 volunteers statewide make our elections possible; these folks are our neighbors, friends, and colleagues. They dedicate their time to ensuring this process is safe, easy, and secure. Their work isn’t partisan; they show up and uphold the values that make our democracy strong.

For Minnesota to move forward, all elected officials in our state house – especially those who signed our pledge – must prioritize our basic principles of democracy over scoring political points. Cut out the political theatre and grandstanding, respect the will of the voters by accepting the certified results, and focus on the work ahead: addressing issues that face the people who sent you to St. Paul.

However, if those trying to throw out a duly elected state representative and force this special election succeed, it will signal a dangerous precedent that one party can overrule Minnesota voters by playing politics and seizing power. 

For the sake of our democracy, we cannot allow that to happen. 

Lilly Sasse is the campaign director for We Choose Us Action.

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