Static summary up here, which is also the page description/overview for search engines. Released annually since 1/1/1970, this data series illustrates the Resident Population in Hennepin County, MN (Thousands of Persons). This data is derived from the Annual Estimates of the Population for Counties release prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The most popular 5 series from this release, with latest observation and percent-change from previous. Using a loop to pull these Current Observation post types by term.
NameAbbrCapitalStatistical AreasCountiesCities and Towns
American SamoaASPago Pago3087896
 ArkansasARLittle Rock3087896
District of ColumbiaDC3087896
 IowaIADes Moines3087896
 LouisianaLABaton Rouge3087896
 MinnesotaMNSt. Paul3087896
 MissouriMOJefferson City3087896
 NevadaNVCarson City3087896
 New HampshireNHConcord3087896
 New JerseyNJTrenton3087896
 New MexicoNMSanta Fe3087896
 New YorkNYAlbany3087896
 North CarolinaNCRaleigh3087896
 North DakotaNDBismarck3087896
Northern Mariana IslandsMPSaipan3087896
 OklahomaOKOklahoma City3087896
Puerto RicoPRSan Juan3087896
 Rhode IslandRIProvidence3087896
 South CarolinaSCColumbia3087896
 South DakotaSDPierre3087896
US Virgin IslandsVICharlotte Amalie3087896
 UtahUTSalt Lake City3087896
 West VirginiaWVCharleston3087896