Annie Duke on how to get better at quitting

When faced with a tough situation, do you walk away? Or do you press on?

Most of us are inclined to stay the course. After all, quitting — especially in American culture — is seen as a character defect.

But Annie Duke thinks that’s wrong. Her new book, “Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away,” is a guidebook for learning how and when to quit. She explores the psychology and social forces that keep us stuck in bad situations for too long — and what we lose when we equate quitting with failure.

Don’t miss MPR News host Kerri Miller’s conversation with Duke, a cognitive behaviorist who learned a thing or two about quitting during her years as a professional poker player. That’s on this Friday’s Big Books and Bold Ideas.


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Collected from Minnesota Public Radio News. View original source here.

Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is a public radio network for the state of Minnesota. With its three services, News & Information, YourClassical MPR and The Current, MPR operates a 46-station regional radio network in the upper Midwest. Last updated from Wikipedia 2024-03-03T22:03:37Z.
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