MinnPost publishes 2023 donor list

Technically spring is here, and yet our Minnesotan weather has gone back to snow and slush. While we wait for the spring weather to return, we want to take a moment to thank all of the generous folks who donated to MinnPost over the last year. 

We’re excited to share that we recently published our list of 2023 donors in recognition of the nearly 4,900 generous members who stood behind our nonprofit newsroom. Member support is absolutely critical to advancing MinnPost’s mission — contributions from individuals makes up over half of our annual revenue.

In addition to recognizing our donors for their support, MinnPost is committed to transparency, including disclosing who supports our work financially. We encourage all supporters to be listed by name.

If you donated in 2023, take a look, find your name, and feel good knowing that you played a crucial role in making MinnPost’s in-depth, independent journalism possible. If you see any errors in how you are listed, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to resolve the issue.

Alicia Pedersen

Alicia Pedersen

Alicia is MinnPost’s Membership Manager. She’s been at MinnPost since 2023.

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MinnPost is a nonprofit online newspaper in Minneapolis, founded in 2007, with a focus on Minnesota news. Last updated from Wikipedia 2024-03-31T20:27:49Z.
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